TWH: September 25-29, 2023

This week in History

Monday: on September 25, 1555

The Peace of Augsburg was signed, making Protestantism legal in the Holy Roman Empire. BItH Unit 16, Section 48: The Reformation

Tuesday: on September 26, 1181

St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscans, was born. BItH Unit 21, Section 62: A Mission of Conversion

Wednesday: on September 27, 1066

William the Conqueror’s army set sail from Normandy to begin the invasion of England. BItH Unit 14, Peoples XIV: Normans

Thursday: on September 28, 1781

The Siege of Yorktown in the American Revolutionary War began. BItH Unit 22, Section 64: American Revolutionary War

Friday: on September 29-30, 1941

The Massacre at Babi Yar in Ukraine began in which 33,771 Jewish people were executed. BItH Unit 29, Section 86: The Holocaust

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