HomePart 1 Additional Resources Part 1 Additional Resources Unit 1: The Beginning of Human Kind Book Lists Unit 1 Movies and ShowsUnit 1 Picture BooksUnit 1 Reference BooksUnit 1 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 1: The Birth of Earth, The Big BangSection 2: What is Evolution?Section 3: Evolution of ManPeoples I: Cro-Magnon Unit 2: The Start of Civilization Book Lists Unit 2 Movies and ShowsUnit 2 Picture BooksUnit 2 Reference BooksUnit 2 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 4: Leaving Africa and Settling DownSection 5: Neolithic RevolutionSection 6: Inventions and InnovatorsPeoples II: Sumerians Unit 3: Building History Book Lists Unit 3 Movies and ShowsUnit 3 Picture BooksUnit 3 Reference BooksUnit 3 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 7: First Settlements and CitiesSection 8: Putting Up WallsSection 9: European MegalithsPeoples III: Ancient Egyptians Unit 4: Rise of Religions Book Lists Unit 4 Movies and ShowsUnit 4 Picture BooksUnit 4 Reference BooksUnit 4 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 10: Start of Religions IdeasSection 11: Rites and RitualsSection 12: MythologyPeoples IV: Hebrews and Israelites Unit 5: Development of Government Book Lists Unit 5 Movies and ShowsUnit 5 Picture BooksUnit 5 Reference BooksUnit 5 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 13: Rise of CivilizationsSection 14: Early Government and LeadersSection 15: Money and TradePeoples V: Ancient Greeks Unit 6: Expanding Empires Book Lists Unit 6 Movies and ShowsUnit 6 Picture BooksUnit 6 Reference BooksUnit 6 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 16: Building EmpiresSection 17: Invasion and ConquestSection 18: Kings, Emperors and RulersPeoples VI: Roman Empire Unit 7: Great Thinkers Book Lists Unit 7 Movies and ShowsUnit 7 Picture BooksUnit 7 Reference BooksUnit 7 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 19: Greek PhilosophersSection 20: China’s Three TeachingsSection 21: Abrahamic ProphetsPeoples VII: Persians Unit 8: Uncivilization Book Lists Unit 8 Movies and ShowsUnit 8 Picture BooksUnit 8 Reference BooksUnit 8 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 22: BarbariansSection 23: Terror of the HunsSection 24: Africa in AntiquityPeoples VIII: Celts Unit 9: Great Trade Routes Book Lists Unit 9 Movies and ShowsUnit 9 Picture BooksUnit 9 Reference BooksUnit 9 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 25: The Silk RoadSection 26: Maritime TradeSection 27: African TradersPeoples IX: Han Dynasty Unit 10: Migrating by Sea and Land Bridges Book Lists Unit 10 Movies and ShowsUnit 10 Picture BooksUnit 10 Reference BooksUnit 10 Novels/Chapter BooksSection 28: Peopling the PacificSection 29: First AmericansSection 30: First Visitors to the AmericasPeoples X: Vikings